Vibrate to the sounds of your soul

Vibrate to the sound of your unique soul

Each has its own unique sound accompanied by the vibration, the frequency of his own unique soul. That vibration, that special frequency, that is good for you, no one can give it to you, no one can teach you, you can only discover it yourself. You can do that by, if you look at the level of actions, ‘what do I do, what is good for me. What do I do that raises my vibrational level’. 

Choices you make, making choices over and over again, choices that are always aimed at bringing you back to the vibration of your own soul. Of course you can also do it by making sound every day and you can see which sound you need on that day, which sound is in harmony with you. And if you can’t or can’t feel that, you can just sit and make the sound ‘o’ and keep it on, and the sound ‘ay’… It does not matter, it is about giving yourself the impetus to come to that vibration that is in accordance with your soul, the vibration where you can go further and further, higher in vibration. 

If you can do that, then you can be nourished by the root of your own soul. Then you can be nourished in that way that is best for YOU and not the way other people say that is good for you or things that you have heard or read somewhere, but really your unique source of nutrition, that you will vibrate on that vibration, on that sound that YOU must have in order to come to what is the highest achievable for you in this life. 

There is so much we do that is fun and that distracts us or that we think in our mind that it is good for us, but the point is that we get to that point where it is not our mind that is dominant, but that it interacts with our heart and that it is connected to our inner heart  that knows which way to go. But we are inclined, each of us, to take small steps aside again and again and to go or keep nibbing on things that are tasty, that are fun and that take us away from our work. In fact, for the most part, we don’t really want to work to get to the vibration of our soul and be fed with the good. Even though we say so, we also and especially have to deal with the other side in ourselves that says: yes hello, I’m just a human being, I just want to have fun and just do, so I’m going to continue to nibble on what’s tasty, I don’t want to confront myself with how far away I actually am from my higher self. 

If you make a sound again and again, every day and come back to that sound within yourself and you focus more and more on not messing around with things that are tasty and want to take you away from yourself and want to keep you away, but come more and more to that inner sound, then you can always, every day,  going higher and higher and higher in vibration, deeper and deeper within yourself, until you are going to be fed every day from your own source of nutrition and it will become easier and easier to make good choices in life, because you will experience more and more where your actual happiness lies, your actual happiness that is ultimately connected,  just like your source of nutrition, with everything and everyone. 

And if you achieve that then you can be a light to the world, then you can not only feed yourself from your source of nutrition, but then you can feed everyone, then you can just be. And all because you will vibrate on the sound, on the vibration that is reserved for you from your unique soul.