Live, here and now

(with Sound Meditation)

Who is born with wisdom? Who really lives as a sincere human being, always on the right path, always in connection with his soul? Who lives life to the limit in the very best way to mean something to the world and to elevate himself to the best that he can be? Not a human being, not a single human being. And therefore, don’t blame yourself if you find yourself walking sideways all the time. Don’t blame yourself when at cheshbon hanefesh making up the bill of the day in the evening thinking ‘hey, I could have spent this day better, I could have done things better’. No, don’t blame yourself; no one is perfect. What you can do is do your best every day, try to make progress every day, take a step forward every day. Because isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that what every human being wants – to move forward on the road to HaKadosh baruch Hu the holy One blessed is He, on the way to union with the higher. The path where a light shine that takes away all your little worries. A light that envelops you, a light that nourishes you, a light that gives life, an infinite light.

If you would know what is left in terms of light, in experience, in comprehension, in understanding, in being… It is currently impossible to imagine, the clarity, the vision, everything you can experience and especially how things are put together and what your contribution to it is. 

Before you get that far, you have to believe it. You have to believe that there is more than you can now experience with your five senses. And if you are already spiritually developed, that there is much more than what you now see as spiritual. A spiritual experience that you can have now is so much smaller than a spiritual experience that you b’ezrat Hashem with G-d’s help, can still get if you do your best every day to move forward, to make good decisions every day, to recognize the choices you have every day and always try to choose the right thing. And yes, you are a human being you make mistakes, it is not always easy, that is how life is but do your best. That’s what you need to do, do your best, and have faith that there’s a lot more than what you’ve accomplished so far. 

And if you are going to do that, give in to that, then you will start singing in your own way, you will help change your own life and the lives of others in your own way, in a way that brings us closer to shalom, that brings us closer to peace. Because in the end we have to get into shalom, peace, wholeness. Man must become one whole again, that we see that we are not separated from each other, but we all form a unity that is capable of something so great and beautiful for which there are no words at the moment. It is indescribable at the moment, because what are words in this case? Very, very inadequate.

So, relax in life but stay attentive. Stay attentive to what the choices are. There are so many times in a day when you can make a choice and it’s never a little good or a little bad, or a little good and more good, but it’s always either to one side or to the other. It’s always like a scale where you put something on: either it strikes out to one side or it strikes out to the other. The balance is of course the most perfect, but that balance to be [almost] completely good and do good is going to come, but until then do your best sincerely and trust that there is help for you and that we will all get there together. 

Sincerely, truly sincerely desire that your path become as short as possible to reach that state in which you experience wholeness and where you experience love for everyone and everything around you, no matter who it is and what your relationship is to those. That you have reached and opened the point in your heart, further and further that you can go deeper and deeper, that you can really say and live in such a way that there is no difference between the other person and you. That we are all children of the Eternal, that we all have our difficulties, our happiness’s and everything to a greater or lesser extent. And that we need each other. 

We need each other as human beings. One has already developed this and the other has already developed that and together we form one body and we are capable of a lot. So be good to your fellow man, whoever, be good to yourself, be good to the animals and to everything that lives, and live consciously. Live your life consciously. No one knows when that will end, so why will you waste your time worrying, on being busy with oy oy oy, voy voy voy and everything. Live, now. Now you are alive, this moment is your life. Live. Don’t be afraid. The only fear you can have is that you’ll make the wrong choices over and over again, even though you know you’re doing things over and over again that you know aren’t right for you. Change it, ask for help to change and try to muster the strength to make good choices. And if you can’t do it, ask for guidance and insight every day, ask for help, pray or as we say in kabbalah: bring up ma’n

There are angels around us, we have guardian angels; even though most of us don’t see them, they’re there. Our prayers can be raised and there is a reaction from above to us and that helps us move forward. 

So, there’s plenty to do. Don’t complain, don’t grumble, because why would you. Live. Just live. Live. Start living if you don’t already. Really, every human being is worth living.

Let go of everything for a moment, be completely in the here and now. Look away from this text and shift your attention to your breathing. Relax. Let everything go for a while. Just be here and now.

Are you sitting comfortably? Maybe you want to move a bit in your chair to become more comfortable. If a thought arises, let it pass. Don’t go from one thought to another. Don’t knit stories together. If there is another thought, let it pass again, bring your attention back to your breathing. Just be in the here and now, relax, don’t grab thoughts, let the thoughts pass, over and over again. Let yourself get completely into the here and now. Turn your attention inwards and then ask for what you feel you need – a change in your life, a change in your behavior, trust… just see what comes to mind and ask for it. Ribono shel olam Master of the world, help me….

The sounds can support you. It’s best to hear these without headphones.