Love your neighbor

Beyond all our outer manifestations, we are all part of one spiritual body, we are all connected to each other, and every thought and action has its influence on the whole.

There is one Source and the supreme love comes from it. There, there is no difference between any identity that we have been given at birth or adopted later.

Every person is unique and at the same time we are not as different at a higher level as is often thought. And it is that unity that we must seek, it is that unity from which all good comes. In that idea of unity, we can love everyone else from a level that goes beyond our own personal interest. Embrace the other and you will stay in joy.

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Accepting each other does not go far enough, because that is like a layer of varnish over a rotten apple. We saw that in the 2nd World War that even people who accepted Jews still played tricks to be able to steal or betray Jews and worse. The layer of acceptance and love often turned out to be extremely thin. Accepting alone is not enough. We really have to love each other and that is only possible if we allow love within ourselves. That you accept yourself and do everything in your power to become a better person. That you dare to stand naked, without a mask and walls around you; that you dare to stand before Him with all that is and that you not only pray, but really want to make a full effort to change, to be grateful every day, every moment, every second, to accept what is, to allow love and to see the other as part of one spiritual body that should live together in perfect harmony. That is where we have to go and we will go, may it be so.

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Rabbi Akiva says: ואהבת לרעך כמוך
Love your neighbour as yourself (Vayikra/Leviticus 19:18); this is a mitzvah commandment from the Torah. רעך  reacha means your neighbor, but it can also mean racha your evil.
Work on it. Do not suppress, but purify!